Monday, April 18, 2011

Reed now Jones

My good friend Megan Reed (now Jones) got married this past weekend and it was SO MUCH FUN! I will have a hard time transitioning to her new last name considering I almost always call her 'Reed' or 'Reeders'. I think that will probably still stick...sorry Steven!

So I wrote a post a few weeks ago about her shower and her awesome fiance (now husband) Steven. Well seeing them interact this weekend was even more affirming on how much I love that they are together! I had a lot of fun with the girls on Friday night as we went out on the town...aka scavenger hunt in our pj's to places around Midland that were special to Megan and Steven :)  It was such a good time of connecting with friends I don't see as much anymore (that's a tribute to you Ash, Mary, and Reed!).

on our scavenger hunt we had to reenact Megan and Stevens first kiss...I'll leave it to your imagination as to what the heck was going on here!
I felt VERY special to be an honorary bridesmaid in this wedding. Reed, Kelli, Cotter, and I lived together for 1 year in college and it was one of the most fun years of my college life! That year we found out that Reed had a 'secret life'. Everyday she would walk in talking to someone on the phone and when we asked who it was she would say "oh it's so and so, my best friend from ____". Needless to say, it seemed like she had 500 best friends, yet we didn't know any of them. Hence why we called it her secret life. But anyway, considering the fact that Reed is friends with EVERYONE and literally has like 500 people who she could call her best friend, I truly did feel honored to be a part of her special day! 

Here are some more of my favorites from the weekend...

Reed and her pretty momma!

Reed and her MOH Badash!

All the bridesmaids and honorary bridesmaids!
Thanks Brett for taking this one!

me and my love

sweet father daughter added to the MANY tears during this wedding!

Until next time!


Sunday, April 10, 2011

i don't know what to title this

Sometimes the "title" portion of blogging stresses me out...thus the title of this one is exactly what I think most of the time that I come to blog. "I don't know what to title this". So, lots of fun stuff has been going on: b-day celebrations, fun work stuff, an exciting wedding coming up, good times with good friends, etc. So I know I need to blog because I haven't in a while and I know you people are missing me, but I can't think of something particular to talk here is a random list.

1. Brett and I went to Blue Sky last weekend with lots of friends (mainly our staff team) to celebrate our birthdays. It was really fun and we felt very loved and appreciated.
Kelli, Katie and I at the birthday dinner!

2. Brett is talking at our CRU meeting this week (Thursday, April 14th) about the idol of success. It is based off of a chapter in Tim Keller's book Counterfeit God's. Haven't read the book myself but based off of everyone I know who has raved about it, I'd recommend it.

3. I watched the 1st Chronicles of Narnia movie last night (The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe). I absolutely loved it and cried a lot. I knew it had spiritual undertones in it, but I didn't realize that they weren't exactly undertones...they are like THE tone. The gospel was so beautifully depicted in this movie that it brought me to tears. I know, I know, I'm like 4 years behind on these movies...gimme a break.

4. My good friend and roommate for 1 year of college is getting MARRIED this weekend! I'm excited for Megan Reed's wedding :)

5. CONFESSION: I'm secretly (not a secret anymore I guess) scared that Brett and I aren't going to have cute kids. 1. because I simply just can't picture it and 2. because my niece is so cute and I just don't think that my kid will be able to beat her cuteness. It's painfully obvious whenever you have one cousin that's way cuter than the other. Well anyway...Brett and I saw a kid at church last week that looked EXACTLY like Brett did as a kid...AND HE WAS CUTE!

For fun so you can see her cuteness, my niece Braelyn.
Okay that's all for now....hopefully I'll have something more exciting to write about soon :).


Monday, April 4, 2011


Something fun this year has been the amount of friends I have had get baptized! One of which is my dear friend Claryssa. You may remember me talking back in February about a girl I saw accept Christ (click here to read about that). Well this past Sunday Claryssa made a public declaration of her faith at our church by getting baptized. It was SO SO SO special and fun to see her take this next step of obedience in her walk with the Lord.

If you are curious about baptism and wondering why it's important or if it even is important, I suggest you go here and listen to this sermon by my pastor, Dusty. It is really insightful and I think it may have had something to do with so many friends choosing to get baptized. Even if you are not curious, I think it's still a great sermon to listen to :).

Here are some pictures from Claryssa's special day!

about to get dunked

Claryssa and her bf Kevin

me, Claryssa, and Katie

Can you tell I was teary eyed? haha

After church, Brett and I celebrated with a yummy lunch at Carino's with Claryssa and her boyfriend Kevin. It was the first time for the 4 of us to hang out and we had so much fun!


Saturday, April 2, 2011

MAZE update # 2

Okay, so I got excited a little too soon. The final number is actually 173!!!! SO EXCITING. Many of our TechCRU student leaders have already met up with several of these students who indicated their decision to follow Christ. Many more have appointments set up for the upcoming week, and all others have at least been contacted. Praise the Lord for the work he did with the MAZE!