Friday, July 22, 2011


It's been a while since I've here is the run down of happenings since then.

1. We spent an intense last week of New Staff Training learning how to raise up a team of ministry partners.
2. We saw the very last Harry Potter with the Burgers - some great new friends from California! I cried.
3. We were officially commissioned as Campus Crusade for Christ Staff.
4. We went to Boulder with more new friends from California - the St. Pier's!
5. I got my hair cut.
6. Our New Staff Training is over and the National Staff Conference has begun.
7. We kicked off the conference with a County Fair!
8. Our cafeteria is now crowded.
9. My favorite in-laws are here for the conference and we've been able to spend some good time with them - and of course they brought us gifts from Italia!
10. Campus Crusade for Christ announced their official name change which will take place in early 2012. We will be named CRU, and I love it :)

There has been lots of talk about this whole name change business, and rightly so! Hearing that the well established, 60 yr. old ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ is changing their name is definitely a shock, but it's been a work in progress. I'd encourage you to read my friend Jess's blog about this. It has lots of information on  the name change, the reasoning behind it, and lots of links to more information about it! CLICK HERE to read it!

And of course, I'll leave you with some pics :)
The end of an era :(

We did it - officially staff!

All of our new staff friends from our floor + some :)

Us with Matt and Leah St. Pier! Love them.

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. Fun times. I have enjoyed watching CSU online, great stuff. Cant wait until I am on staff and can experience CSU in person, Lord willing. Although Im not looking forward to raising all that support. I think I will forever have a CSU fund
